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图论与组合系列学术报告第7期——The number of maximum dissociation sets in trees

主讲人 :史永堂 地点 :腾讯会议 开始时间 : 乐天体育-11-27 10:00:00 结束时间 :

报告题目:The number of maximum dissociation sets in trees

报告人:史永堂 教授(南开大学)


主持人:甘璐伊宁 特聘研究员

报告地点:腾讯会议 647 596 5688

摘要:A subset of vertices is a maximum independent set if no two of the vertices are adjacent and the subset has maximum cardinality. A subset of vertices is called a maximum dissociation set if it induces a subgraph with vertex degree at most 1, and the subset has maximum cardinality. In this talk, we will introduce some results on the maximum number of maximum dissociation sets in graphs. Joint work with Jianhua Tu et al.




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